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Questionaire for Webdesign & Development

The questionnaire is the first step in planning a project. It helps us get a clear picture of what you want. Based on the questions answered, we can classify your project and make you an individual offer.

    When would you like to start?

    Tell us something about your company or business idea.

    Tell us something about the project.

    What kind of website do you need?

    Do you want us to host your website?

    How many pages do you need (without legal pages for terms and conditions, privacy policy, etc.)?

    What is already existing?

    What content do you provide?

    Are there any inspiring websites or brands you admire? (optional)

    Additional notes (optional)

    File upload for briefings, images, scribbles, ... [ jpg, png, pdf, doc, docx, odt, txt, rtf & max. 10mb ] (optional)